Community Help Wanted - Join Us!

Slipmat is a community effort, it’s fully built and run by the community. The site is always in active development and we want Your help to make it better!

If you can do one or more of these things and want to help, comment below:

  • if you are familiar with tech (DJ software, OBS or any other software or hardware), you can join the tech help team and help others with their setup and gear problems
  • if you can write in proper English, you can help in writing documentation, UI texts and other stuff
  • if you are active in Twitter and/or Facebook, you can help managing the Slipmat social media accounts
  • if you follow DJ news, you can help in curating news articles from the Web for topic pages on the site
  • if you know marketing, you can help us find ways to promoting the site
  • if you know frontend Web design, you can help making the site look and feel awesome
  • if you know Python/Django or JavaScript/Vue, you can help fix bugs and develop new features
  • or if you just want to help, there’s always something to do for the community

This is your chance to make a dent in the DJ universe! If you want to help, join the Slippers-group and participate in the Community Talk forum :slight_smile: