Video URL Issues in Schedule a New Live Event page

I see that this seems to be a steady issue- I have tried to use almost all of my other video URL and you system keeps telling me it invalid- I use the same URL with and OBS with no issues and I believe I followed your guide to the letter; here are my various video stream that have not worked:(youtube- , facebook- , and periscope-, I understand its still in beta production, however, I believe most of us appreciate smooth transition into this site and its future potential. I hope your staff can assist me in this matter. (P.S. I currently use along with OBS and never saw my link start with https, mine start with rtmp:// and I place this and my stream key into OBS and instant steam with no issues).

Thank you in Advance

There’s no issue in the system, the issue is that you’re trying to use a wrong video URL, hence the event form will give you an error message that your video URL is wrong.

Please read the documentation: Slipmat video engines and event video URLs

(Also note that stream ingest URL is not the same as video URL. Stream ingest URL is something that is for your streaming software to use, video URL is an address of a live video from an already encoded video stream.)

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I am confused, you are stating that I am using the wrong link and before contacting you I asked the sites I gave you for the video url, when I click those links the videos come right up, so I need a better explanation than you are providing, you guidlines state " your Video url should start with https/ (as mine does) and my youtube link is almost anexact duplicate of your example, so please tell why the sites verifed the link but you are stating they are incorrect? I did not have any difficulty setting up those sites’ video settings and my facebook one especially that I use at least 3x a week ( I dont have change anything since the intial set up, even when I was using OBS EXCLUSIVELY.

The guideline give examples but are vague and you have given me no explaination why it works elswhere but here, what part of the URL is making it invalid?

I have read some of the similiar post and I was not the only with the issue, one response you stated you can see it when you placed it on from your end to another who had issues. You should be anble to inform your community exactly where to locate this Valid URL since the one I have been using for 3 years now is invalid.

I am not trying to cause any frictions or problems, however, I am also not a novice. If I can speak to someone via a customer service line to discuss further, would be greatly appreciated.

Are you absolutely sure, that you have correct addresses in each section? Ingest server address (starts with rtmp://) is what you use in streaming software. And Event video URL is what you use when creating event. When you click New Event in DJ Admin section, you see Video URL-section at the bottom. However: These addresses only work if you use Slipmats native video encoder. If you want to use Youtube as video encoder, then you must use Youtubes settings and streaming keys in OBS and in event video URL section you use Youtubes video URL which is something like

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This is my Youtube URL: and if you place this link it bring you directly to my page where it states “waiting to stream” and I provide my Periscope URL (, which is in the exact same format, have you tested my url?This just seems strange especially sine you seem to be able to link my facebook page but not my video stream? Again I have never had this much difficulty with setting up a Stream, I just believe you would like to make a more attractive and simpler interface, like with my current streams. Those to less than 3 minutes to set up 5 different streams.

@time4musicent Hop on our Discord for realtime feedback (or as near as possible) in addition to backstage here.

That said, the issue here is that you are providing slipmat with the USER FACING “viewing” URL in all of your pasted examples. What this is doing is linking to periscope & youtubes “viewer” page and that embedded viewer of theirs is accessing the underlying .m3u8 playlist of HLS video segments.

For example, when using the slipmat encoder (Frankie) this is what you feed to the slipmat “new event” field:

Now that is just for illustration sake, so don’t try to use it haha!

What slipmat is looking for is the same thing that the other pages viewers are also looking for, and using - the underlying HLS segment playlist - or m3u8 file. Twitch makes this next to impossible to actually get as it’s dynamically generated every X seconds and provided to the twitch web player via an API call so unless you want to re-create and code all that logic yourself to keep getting an updated segment list twitch is basically out of the running.

Youtube, periscope and anyone else that exposes a static .m3u8 file can be fed to the slipmat new event creation and it should be happy with that provided that .m3u8 is up and live at the time you pass it to slipmat.

I hope this makes sense?

I believe so, so I have to wait for my stream to actually go “Live” and then paste that URL, so that the m3u suffix can be displayed in a matter of speaking, is this correct? So how would I schedule in advance if this the case? In either case , I will sent an email to PERISCOPE, youtube support to request a Video url link THAT includes the .m3u suffix as well as a request for the link info from for the video url to include that suffix and see what they respond with. Thank you and hope to merge to a successful migration on both our ends

I just got back from my stream service that deals with my obs and this was their response to your guidelines of Video URL : must start with https:// and end with .m3u8-

Periscope streaming is made with RTMP via data from
So no m3u8 link for it as well.

We only work with RTMP protocol. What you are asking for is a HLS link which isn’t supported by Restream.

We can let you add any platform which works with RTMP protocol. If it doesn’t work with RTMP, it can’t be added. You need to find out if they only work with HLS, or if RTMP is also supported. In second case - it can be added…

So can you provide with your RTMP to allow me to link to my multi-stream I use with my OBS?

In other words, I need your temp url along with my profile stream key, since my other option show to be a constant issue using your encoder program