Depcrecation notice: Stream Now events are going away

Removing dead code and features is in many ways even more important than building new features as the old technical debt slows development down significantly. Stream Now events were launched in 2017 as a response to then two common problems: 1) event creation was pretty tedious and 2) some DJs didn’t have or want to create YouTube or Chew account for streaming.

Slipmat and live streaming in general looks today very different than two years ago. Event creation is currently super easy and fast when you set up default event image and default event URL. The first pain point is pretty nonexistent today. And for the second pain point, Slipmat Native Streaming Engine is a valid – and in some ways superior – replacement for YouTube and Chew.

When the new engine will be released to public with Beta 26, there is no need for Stream Now events anymore so we will remove the feature.

One more thing…

Slipmat has always been using the latest technologies and has has innovative features. How can we get rid of the “one-click event creation”?! Well…

…turns out we don’t need to! With the new native streaming engine we can now have perfect and full control of the streaming flow. So instead of having separate “lite” events, we can just make normal event creation superduper fast and painless. The upcoming streamlining after Beta 26 will be event creation flow where you just start your streamer, a “Let’s go!” button appears on your DJ control panel, and off you go :slight_smile:

Stay tuned!

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