No archive?

Is there not a way to listen back to sets ? Or a section to show live streamers ?

I think the whole jump through hoops emails, is putting many DJs off. I dont understand why you are limiting growth of a site by making it look empty with no live DJs or sets to listen to ?

You can always add mixcloud record in your past event page like this:

Also you can upload tracklist overthere. :slight_smile:

Hi @Taz, thanks for your feedback!

Slipmat is all about live events, we do not store past events like most of other sites. You still can, however, link to your recording by adding embed code like documented here.

Our homepage also shows all live events if there are any. If you happen to visit when no one is playing, you won’t see that section :slight_smile:

Like said, Slipmat is all about live content.

We are also not a public site but in private beta. The “jumping through hoops” part is to filter in only those DJs who want to actively participate and in the process help us get better. We’re unfortunately not yet ready to open the site up for everyone as 99% of users (DJs) would just flood us with questions, and as we’re not a private company with funding but a community effort with only a handful of people, we don’t have the time or resources to provide support for everyone before we grow the community who can help :slight_smile:

If you want to help, it’s very easy to get started. All help is appreciated, this is a cmmunity effort! Unlike on privately owned sites, here You get to decide what features will be built and what kind of site we want to grow :slight_smile: