I broke the chat window with a long text chain with no spaces

I think the chat needs to wrap text better if there’s a long chain without spaces, cos otherwise it buggers up the site display. I accidentally did this to @Phoole

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Hahaaaa! That was pretty crazy! :grinning:

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Oh lol that’s funny. Sorry about that Phoole :smiley:

This is a recent bug, it should just automatically wrap or hide too large elements. (This actually happens more than you’d think as Web is a pretty complicated beast with gazillion of devices and flexible font sizes and zoom factors etc etc.) Will fix this ASAP and notify here when it’s done.


PS. If this kind of thing happens ever again, a not-perfect workaround is to wait for a bit for new messages in the chat and then force-refresh the page for everyone (event hosts can do this from the DJ event tools) so the page reloads again without the offending message. Currently we preload 100 previous messages if I remember correctly.