One of the differentiating feature about Slipmat comparing to other streaming platforms is the fact that we help you promote your events even between them. After-marketing helps you to connect with your audience after your set and remind them at the same time to join the upcoming, too.
Publishing playlists of your sets is a traditional way to do this and, again, Slipmat has a unique feature where you can export your playlist or history file from your DJ program (Traktor, Serato, Rekorbox and Engine Prime supported), upload it to your event, and we’ll give you a nicely formatted (compared to the barf from Traktor, for example) playlist for your public event page and text version for posting on other social media like Facebook.
So far we haven’t stored the playlist data for further use, but there’s a lot we could do here. We could, for example, connect the track information with the main tag (first tag you put in) of your set and then aggregate the data to get most played House or Trance tracks of the month. We could then have automatic TOP-40 lists for each genre. (The same data could be used to collect a site-wide library of tracks from different genres to be used with the Request System. A listener could browse genres and request from tracks that have been played before on the site even if you haven’t uploaded a personal collection file for the system to use.)
In order for this to work we would need 3-5 active (say, at minimum one event per month) DJs for each genre to test this. We could start with just one or two genres to see what happens and what would the data look like. What the DJs would need to do is just play events normally and then upload the tracklist file after each set to participate in the data collecting.
If you’re interested, leave a comment with potential genre(s) you’d be interested in testing this out. If we get enough participants, it would be easy to try out! All other comments and ideas are of course welcome as well